Insaniquarium Wiki

Lasers are the main weaponry of the player in Insaniquarium, used to fend off against the Aliens that invade the player's tank to eat their fish.


Laser guns have several universal qualities regardless of what level they are at for the player. Firing can only take place when a viable target is within the tank, either being Aliens that are still alive, or projectiles fired off by Destructor or Ulysses which have not been destroyed or neutralized.

Blasts from lasers will damage Aliens, as well as knock them backwards from where they were hit from. This means a shot to the top of an alien pushes them down to the bottom of the tank, a shot to their left pushes them right, and so forth. Aliens which are bound to the bottom of the tank can only be knocked to the left or the right.

Destructors Missiles, as well as Cyrax's Minisylvester spawns will be shot down and immediately destroyed instead of knocked back. Ulysses' energy balls will be deflected similarly to other aliens, as well as changing from inactive to an active state.


Starting out every game, the player begins with the lowest level Laser, dealing low damage to aliens and often useful only to knocking back aliens into alien-fighting Pets like Rufus or Gash.

As the player begins to accumulate more money, they can purchase weapons of higher grades. Each level increases the damage of each shot, with the final upgrade allowing for a fully-automatic firing system to dispatch weaker aliens quickly. Tank 1 and Tank 2 price laser upgrades at $1000, Tank 3 at $2000, and Tank 4 at $5000.



  • Each of the laser upgrades are visually distinctive in both futuristic design, as well as their coloring.
  • During the fight with Cyrax, the player is given a level 8 laser, and in Virtual Tank, the player is given a level 6 laser.
  • As his main gimmick, Gus is the only Alien which is completely immune to the player's laser blasts in normal tanks.
    • However, during the Final Boss Fight in Tank 5, Gus is vulnerable to blasts for the duration of the fight.